Chalmers University of Technology

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Showing 14 publications


A FE based machining simulation methodology accounting for cast iron microstructure

Goran Ljustina, Ragnar Larsson, Martin Fagerström
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, p. 1-10
Journal article

Rate Sensitive Continuum Damage Models and Mesh Dependence in Finite Element Analyses

Goran Ljustina, Martin Fagerström, Ragnar Larsson
The Scientific World Journal
Journal article

Modeling of cast iron materials related to machining

Goran Ljustina
Doctoral thesis

Rate Sensitive Continuum Damage Models and Mesh Dependence in Finite Element Analyses

Goran Ljustina, Martin Fagerström, Ragnar Larsson
MekIT'13 Seventh National Conference on Computational Mechanics, p. 21-32
Paper in proceeding

Rate Sensitive Continuum Damage Models and Mesh Dependence in Finite Element Analyses

Ragnar Larsson, Goran Ljustina, Martin Fagerström
3rd International Conference on Material Modeling, p. 253-undefined
Paper in proceeding

Hypo– and hyperinelasticity applied to modeling of compacted graphite iron machining simulations

Goran Ljustina, Martin Fagerström, Ragnar Larsson
European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, p. 57-68
Journal article

Ductile dynamic fracture modeling using embedded strong discontinuities in CGI machining simulations

Ragnar Larsson, Goran Ljustina, Martin Fagerström
ECCOMAS 2012, Vienna University of Technology
Paper in proceeding

Ductile dynamic fracture modeling using embedded discontinuities in CGI machining simulations

Ragnar Larsson, Goran Ljustina, Martin Fagerström
proc. 83rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Paper in proceeding

Ductile dynamic fracture modeling using embedded strong discontinuities in CGI machining simulations

Goran Ljustina, Ragnar Larsson, Martin Fagerström
Proceedings of the 25th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics
Paper in proceeding

Hypo-- and hyperinelasticity applied to modeling of compacted graphite iron machining simulations

Goran Ljustina, Martin Fagerström, Ragnar Larsson
Proceedings of the 24th nordic seminar on computational mechanics, p. 59-62
Paper in proceeding
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