Chalmers University of Technology

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Showing 42 publications


Impact of initial business model on the growth trajectory of new technology-based firms: a path dependency perspective

Hans Löfsten, Anders Isaksson, Heikki Rannikko et al
Journal of Technology Transfer
Journal article

Entrepreneurial networks, geographical proximity, and their relationship to firm growth: a study of 241 small high-tech firms

Hans Löfsten, Anders Isaksson, Heikki Rannikko
Journal of Technology Transfer (6), p. 2280-2306
Journal article

Mobilising finance and achieving early growth in new technology-based firms: a legitimacy perspective

Heikki Rannikko, Mickaël Buffart, Anders Isaksson et al
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research (6), p. 1532-1555
Journal article

Initial business model design and the performance of new technology-based firms: some will grow, some will remain

Mickaël Buffart, Anders Isaksson, Hans Löfsten et al
Other conference contribution

The influence of initial business models on early business performance – a study of 589 new high-tech firm

Anders Isaksson, Hans Löfsten, Heikki Rannikko
International Journal of Innovation Management (5)
Journal article

Explaining new technology-based firms’ growth: the effect of initial conditions and resource mobilization

Heikki Rannikko, Mickaël Buffart, Anders Isaksson et al
Other conference contribution

Is low-growth really the opposite of high-growth? A business model perspective

Mickaël Buffart, Anders Isaksson, Hans Löfsten et al
Other conference contribution

Venture capital firms valuation in bull and bear markets: Evidence from Sweden

Anders Isaksson, Öystein Fredriksen
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (2/3), p. 97-115
Journal article

Business networks and localization effects for new Swedish technology-based firms’ innovation performance

Hanna Rydehell, Anders Isaksson, Hans Löfsten
Journal of Technology Transfer (5), p. 1457-1476
Journal article

Survival and Growth Patterns among New Technology-Based Firms: Empirical Study of Cohort 2006 in Sweden

Heikki Ranniko, Erno T. Tornikoski, Anders Isaksson et al
Journal of Small Business Management (2), p. 640-657
Journal article
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