Maria Arvidsson

Showing 14 publications


Comparison of two methods to calculate GHG emission reductions in the production of bio-olefins

Cristina López Aracil, Maria Arvidsson, Pedro García Haro
Proceedings of the 2nd SEE SDEWES Conference, June 15-18 2016, Piran, Slovenia, p. 253.1-253.10
Other conference contribution

Comparative thermodynamic analysis of biomass gasification-based light olefin production using methanol or DME as the platform chemical

Maria Arvidsson, Pedro Haro, Matteo Morandin et al
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 115, p. 182-194
Journal article

Assessing integrated gasification-based biorefinery concepts for decarbonisation of the basic chemicals industry

Maria Arvidsson, Pedro García Haro, Matteo Morandin et al
Proceedings of the 2nd SEE SDEWES Conference, June 15-18 2016, Piran, Slovenia, p. 283.1-283.13
Other conference contribution

Integration of biomass gasification-based olefins production in a steam cracker plant - Consequences for steam balances

Maria Arvidsson, Johansson Erika, Lars Pettersson et al
EUBCE 2015 (23rd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition) Proceedings
Conference poster

Biomass gasification-based syngas production for a conventional oxo synthesis plant-greenhouse gas emission balances and economic evaluation

Maria Arvidsson, Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 99, p. 192-205
Journal article

Biomass gasification-based olefins production - Process design and modeling

Maria Arvidsson, Haro Pedro, Matteo Morandin et al
International Energy Agency Task 33 - Symposium on Renewable Energy and Products from Biomass and Waste, May 12-13, Ponferrada, Spain
Conference poster

Integration of Biomass Gasification-Based Olefins Production in a Steam Cracker Plant—Global GHG Emission Balances

Maria Arvidsson, Erika Johansson, Matteo Morandin et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 45, p. 787-792
Journal article

Biomass Gasification-Based Syngas Production for a Conventional Oxo Synthesis Plant-Process Modeling, Integration Opportunities, and Thermodynamic Performance

Maria Arvidsson, Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28 (6), p. 4075-4087
Journal article

Transition pathway towards a sustainable and competitive production of energy commodities and materials

Viktor Andersson, Maria Arvidsson, Jean-Florian Brau et al
International Process Integration Jubilee Conference 2013
Conference poster

Integration opportunities for substitute natural gas (SNG) production in an industrial process plant

Maria Arvidsson, Stefan Heyne, Matteo Morandin et al
CHISA 2012 - 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering and PRES 2012 - 15th Conference PRES
Paper in proceeding

Integration opportunities for Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) production in an industrial process plant

Maria Arvidsson, Stefan Heyne, Matteo Morandin et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, p. 331-336
Journal article

Process integration study of a biorefinery producing ethylene from lignocellulosic feedstock for a chemical cluster

Roman Hackl, Maria Arvidsson, Björn Lundin et al
6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Vol. 2011
Paper in proceeding

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