Aurora Voje

Showing 6 publications


Entanglement dynamics of quantum oscillators nonlinearly coupled to thermal environments

Aurora Voje, Alexander Croy, Andreas Isacsson
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Vol. 92 (1)
Journal article

Entanglement Dynamics of Quantum Oscillators Nonlinearly Coupled to Thermal Environments

Aurora Voje, Andreas Isacsson, Alexander Croy

Nonlinear-dissipation-induced entanglement of coupled nonlinear oscillators

Aurora Voje, Andreas Isacsson, Alexander Croy
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. Vol. 88 (2)
Journal article

Multi-phonon relaxation and generation of quantum states in a nonlinear mechanical oscillator

Aurora Voje, Alexander Croy, Andreas Isacsson
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 15
Journal article

Generating macroscopic superposition states in nanomechanical graphene resonators

Aurora Voje, Jari Kinaret, Andreas Isacsson
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 85 (20)
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Nonlinearities, Dissipation and Noise in graphene nanoresonators

Andreas Isacsson Condensed Matter Theory
Aurora Voje Condensed Matter Theory
Alexander Croy Condensed Matter Theory
Christin Rhen Condensed Matter Theory
Edit Ahlberg Helgee Condensed Matter Theory
Swedish Research Council (VR)

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