Bogdan Marculescu

Showing 8 publications


A testability analysis framework for non-functional properties

Michael Felderer, Bogdan Marculescu, Francisco Gomes De Oliveira Neto et al
Proceedings - 2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops, ICSTW 2018, p. 54-58
Paper in proceeding

Transferring interactive search-based software testing to industry

Bogdan Marculescu, Robert Feldt, Richard Torkar et al
Journal of Systems and Software. Vol. 142, p. 156-170
Journal article

Finding a Boundary between Valid and Invalid Regions of the Input Space

Bogdan Marculescu, Robert Feldt
Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC. Vol. 2018-December, p. 169-178
Paper in proceeding

Using exploration focused techniques to augment search-based software testing: an experimental evaluation

Bogdan Marculescu, Robert Feldt, Richard Torkar
2016 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), p. 69-79
Paper in proceeding

An initial industrial evaluation of interactive search-based testing for embedded software

Bogdan Marculescu, Robert Feldt, Richard Torkar et al
Applied Soft Computing Journal. Vol. 29, p. 26-39
Journal article

Objective re-weighting to guide an interactive search based software testing system

Bogdan Marculescu, Robert Feldt, Richard Torkar
2013 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2013; Miami, FL; United States; 4 December 2013 through 7 December 2013. Vol. 2, p. 102-107
Paper in proceeding

Practitioner-oriented visualization in an interactive search-based software test creation tool

Bogdan Marculescu, Robert Feldt, Richard Torkar
Proceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC. Vol. 2, p. 87-92
Paper in proceeding

Optimizing verification and validation activities for software in the space industry

Robert Feldt, Bogdan Marculescu, J. Schulte et al
European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. Conference on DAta Systems in Aerospace, DASIA 2010; Budapest; 1-4 June 2010. Vol. 682 SP, p. 309-313
Other conference contribution

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