Maxim Kogan

Showing 7 publications


Probing Microscopic Orientation in Membranes by Linear Dichroism

Sandra Rocha, Maxim Kogan, Tamas Beke-Somfai et al
Langmuir. Vol. 32 (12), p. 2841-2846
Journal article

Shear-Induced Membrane Fusion in Viscous Solutions

Maxim Kogan, Bobo Feng, Bengt Nordén et al
Langmuir. Vol. 30 (17), p. 4875-4878
Journal article

High anisotropy of flow-aligned bicellar membrane systems

Maxim Kogan, Bengt Nordén, Tamas Beke-Somfai
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. Vol. 175, p. 105-115
Journal article

Flow-alignment of bicellar lipid mixtures: orientations of probe molecules and membrane-associated biomacromolecules in lipid membranes studied with polarized light

Maxim Kogan, Tamas Beke-Somfai, Bengt Nordén
Chemical Communications. Vol. 47 (26), p. 7356-7358
Journal article

Transition State of Rare Event Base Pair Opening Probed by Threading into Looped DNA

Maxim Kogan, Bengt Nordén, Per Lincoln et al
ChemBioChem. Vol. 12 (13), p. 2001-2006
Journal article

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