Raychelle Marie Burks

Showing 3 publications


Polymorphism of Bis(benzimidazole)bis(thiocyanato-N)cobalt(II) and Its Relevance to Studies of the Chief Color Test for Cocaine

Raychelle Marie Burks, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa, Lars Öhrström
Inorganics. Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

Så fungerar kokainservetter

Lars Öhrström, Raychelle Marie Burks
Kemisk Tidskrift (2), p. 20-21
Magazine article

Clarifying the complex chemistry of cobalt(II) thiocyanate-based tests for cocaine using single-crystal X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic techniques

Raychelle Marie Burks, Lars Öhrström, Francoise Mystere Amombo Noa
Journal of Forensic Sciences. Vol. 69 (1), p. 291-300
Journal article

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