Chaeho Im

Visiting Researcher at Industrial Biotechnology image

Showing 5 publications


Chain elongation in continuous microbial electrosynthesis cells: The effect of pH and precursors supply

Cesar Quintela, Pantelis Bountzis, Babak Rezaei et al
Journal of CO2 Utilization. Vol. 83
Journal article

Zero-valent Iron Enhances Acetate and Butyrate Production from Carbon Monoxide by Fonticella tunisiensis HN43

Hyeon Sung Im, Da Seul Kong, Chaeho Im et al
Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. Vol. 28 (5), p. 835-841
Journal article

Clostridium ljungdahlii as a biocatalyst in microbial electrosynthesis – Effect of culture conditions on product formation

Chaeho Im, Kaspar Valgepea, Oskar Modin et al
Bioresource Technology Reports. Vol. 19
Journal article

Production of 3-hydroxypropionic acid from acetate using metabolically-engineered and glucose-grown Escherichia coli

Suman Lama, Yeonhee Kim, Dat Tuan Nguyen et al
Bioresource Technology. Vol. 320
Journal article

Increased CODH activity in a bioelectrochemical system improves microbial electrosynthesis with CO

Young Eun Song, Changman Kim, Jiyun Baek et al
Sustainable Energy and Fuels. Vol. 4 (12), p. 5952-5957
Journal article

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