Matthias Eng

Showing 8 publications


Modeling of dry snow adhesion during normal impact with surfaces

Tobias Eidevåg, Per Abrahamsson, Matthias Eng et al
Powder Technology. Vol. 361, p. 1081-1092
Journal article

Prediction of exterior wind noise generated by a side-mirror of an SUV

Korcan Kucukcoskun, Olga Roditcheva, Matthias Eng et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 7401-7411
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of Particle Cloud Height Dynamics in a Stirred Tank

Matthias Eng, Rasmus Jonsson, Anders Rasmuson
AICHE Journal. Vol. 62 (1), p. 338-348
Journal article

Large Eddy Simulation of the influence of solids on macro instability frequency in a stirred tank

Matthias Eng, Anders Rasmuson
Chemical Engineering Journal. Vol. 259, p. 900-910
Journal article

Measurement of Continuous Phase Velocities in a Confined Solid-Liquid Jet Using LDV

Matthias Eng, Anders Rasmuson
Chemical Engineering Communications. Vol. 201 (11), p. 1497-1513
Journal article

Influence of solids on macro-instabilities in a stirred tank

Matthias Eng, Anders Rasmuson
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 90 (8), p. 1052-1062
Journal article

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