Eva Johansson

Showing 14 publications


Integrating logistics into the outsourcing process

Anna M K Fredriksson, Eva Johansson
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. Vol. 12 (4), p. 281-298
Journal article

Evaluation of materials supply systems during product development projects

Eva Johansson, M. Bellgran, Mats Johansson
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 44 (5), p. 903-917
Journal article

Materials supply systems design in product development projects

Eva Johansson, Mats Johansson
International Journal of Operations and Production Management. Vol. 26 (4), p. 371-393
Journal article

The information gap between design engineering and materials supply systems design

Eva Johansson, Mats Johansson
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 42 (17), p. 3787 - 3801
Journal article

Structuring materials supply systems design according to a stage-gate process

Eva Johansson
Produktionslogistik 2004 : effektiva flöden från leverantörer till kunder : artiklar från PLANs forsknings- och tillämpningskonferens i Lund den 19-20 augusti 2004 / redigerade av Andreas Norrman
Other conference contribution

Evaluation of materials supply systems during product development projects

Eva Johansson, M. Bellgran, Mats Johansson
Proceedings of the Euroma Conference, Fontainebleau, France / eds. Van Wassenhove, L. N. et al
Other conference contribution

On the use of Product Data in the Design of the Materials Supply System

Eva Johansson, Lars Medbo
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 15 (7), p. 641-650
Journal article

The information gap between design engineering and materials supply system design

Eva Johansson, Lars Medbo, Mats Johansson
Paper presented at The 17th International Conference on Production Research ICPR-17, Blacksburg, Virginia, 2003.
Other conference contribution

Sammanhållen informationsmodell för inbyggda system

D Andersson, Karl Hallin, J Hörnstein et al

Integration of materials supply aspects in product development projects: A case study from the automotive industry

Eva Johansson
16th International Conference on Production Research : ICPR - 16 ; 29 July - 3 August 2001, Prague, Czech Republic / Editors: D. Hanus
Other conference contribution

Design of materials supply systems in product development projects: An empirical study from the car Industry

Eva Johansson
Produktionslogistik 2001 : samarbete och nätverk för den nya tidens krav : artiklar från PLAN's forsknings- och tillämpningskonferens 2001 / redigerade av Ola Hultcrantz, Lars Medbo och Carl Wänström
Other conference contribution

Influence of shipment size on logistics costs in the ordering company

Eva Johansson, S. Heuman, Mats Johansson
Logistics changes in the new century / NOFOMA 2000, [Aarhus on June 14-15, 2000] ; edited by Anders Thorstenson & Peder Østergaard
Other conference contribution

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