Robin Faust

Showing 5 publications


Insights into Activation Pathways of Recovered Carbon Black (rCB) from End-of-Life Tires (ELTs) by Potassium-Containing Agents

Bartosz Dziejarski, Robin Faust, Jarosław Serafin et al
ACS Omega. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Role of Particle Geometry on the Structural Integrity of Sand and Rock Ilmenite Used as Oxygen Carrier in Combustion of Woody Biomass

Ali Valizadeh, Robin Faust, N. Skoglund et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 38 (11), p. 10114-10129
Journal article

Magnetic properties of ilmenite used for oxygen carrier aided combustion

Robin Faust, Ignacio Lamarca, Andreas Schaefer et al
Fuel. Vol. 340
Journal article

Role of surface morphology on bed material activation during indirect gasification of wood

Robin Faust, Ali Valizadeh, Ren Qiu et al
Fuel. Vol. 333
Journal article

Early layer formation on K-feldspar during fluidized bed combustion with phosphorus-rich fuel

Robin Faust, Katharina Fürsatz, Panida Aonsamang et al
Fuel. Vol. 331
Journal article

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