Patrik Fors

Showing 9 publications


The fate of hydroxyl radicals produced during H2O2 decomposition on a SIMFUEL surface in the presence of dissolved hydrogen

Lovisa Bauhn, Niklas Hansson, Christian Ekberg et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 507, p. 38-43
Journal article

The interaction of molecular hydrogen with α-radiolytic oxidants on a (U,Pu)O2 surface

Lovisa Bauhn, Niklas Hansson, Christian Ekberg et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 505, p. 54-61
Journal article

The effect of bromide on oxygen yields in homogeneous α-radiolysis

Lovisa Bauhn, Christian Ekberg, Patrik Fors et al
MRS Advances. Vol. 2 (13), p. 711-716
Paper in proceeding

Dark oxidation of water in soils

S. Fleischer, Lovisa Bauhn, Patrik Fors et al
Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology. Vol. 65 (1)
Journal article

Hydrogen suppresses UO2 corrosion

P. Carbol, Patrik Fors, T. Gouder et al
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Vol. 73 (15), p. 4366-4375
Journal article

Corrosion of high burn-up structured UO2 fuel in presence of dissolved H-2

Patrik Fors, P. Carbol, S. Van Winckel et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 394 (1), p. 1-8
Journal article

Corrosion of irradiated MOX fuel in presence of dissolved H-2

P. Carbol, Patrik Fors, S. Van Winckel et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 392 (1), p. 45-54
Journal article

Surface mediated processes in the interaction of spent fuel α-doped UO2 with H2

Daqing Cui, Ella Ekeroth, Patrik Fors et al
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 1104, p. 87-99
Paper in proceeding

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