Jöran Friberg

Showing 34 publications


Three thousand years of sexagesimal numbers in Mesopotamian mathematical texts

Jöran Friberg
Archive for History of Exact Sciences. Vol. 73 (2), p. 183-216
Journal article

Goetze’s Compendium from Old Babylonian Shaduppûm and Two Catalog Texts from Old Babylonian Susa

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 391-419
Book chapter

More Mathematical Cuneiform Texts of Group 6 from Late Old Babylonian Sippar

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 371-389
Book chapter

Late Babylonian Tables of Many-Place Regular Sexagesimal Numbers, from Babylon, Sippar, and Uruk

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 1-59
Book chapter

Fragments of Three Tablets from Ur III Nippur with Drawings of Labyrinths

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 519-536
Book chapter

Further Mathematical Texts from Old Babylonian Mê-Turran (Tell Haddad)

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 213-268
Book chapter

CBS 8539. A Mixed Metrological Table Text from Achaemenid Nippur

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 133-147
Book chapter

A Recombination Text from Old Babylonian Shaduppûm Concerned with Economic Transactions

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 269-288
Book chapter

Five Texts from Old Babylonian Mê-Turran (Tell Haddad), Ishchali and Shaduppûm (Tell Harmal) with Rectangular-Linear Problems for Figures of a Given Form

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 149-212
Book chapter

An Early Dynastic/Early Sargonic Metro-Mathematical Recombination Text from Umma with Commercial Exercises

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 481-486
Book chapter

Three Old Babylonian Recombination Texts of Mathematical Problems without Solution Procedures, Making up Group 2b

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 421-480
Book chapter

An Ur III Table of Reciprocals without Place Value Numbers

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 487-518
Book chapter

Metrological Table Texts from Achaemenid Uruk

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 87-131
Book chapter

Six Fragments of Problem Texts of Group 6, from Late Old Babylonian Sippar

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 289-370
Book chapter

Direct and Inverse Factorization Algorithms for Many-Place Regular Sexagesimal Numbers

Jöran Friberg, Farouk N.H. Al-Rawi
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 61-86
Book chapter

Geometric division problems, quadratic equations, and recursive geometric algorithms in Mesopotamian mathematics

Jöran Friberg
Archive for History of Exact Sciences. Vol. 68 (1), p. 1-34
Journal article

A remarkable collection of Babylonian mathematical texts

Jöran Friberg
Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 55 (9), p. 1076-1086
Journal article

Old Babylonian Arithmetical Hand Tablets

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 13-44
Book chapter

Old Babylonian Arithmetical Table Texts

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 45-99
Book chapter

Old Babylonian Metrological Table Texts

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 101-126
Book chapter

Neo-Sumerian Field Plan Texts (Ur III)

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 137-146
Book chapter

Old Babylonian Hand Tablets with Practical Mathematics

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 155-187
Book chapter

An Old Sumerian Metro-Mathematical Table Text (Early Dynastic IIIa)

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 147-153
Book chapter

Old Babylonian Hand Tablets with Geometric Exercises

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 189-229
Book chapter

How to Get a Better Understanding of Mathematical Cuneiform Texts

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 1-11
Book chapter

Mesopotamian Weight Stones

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 127-136
Book chapter

Three Old Babylonian Mathematical Problem Texts from Uruk

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 245-294
Book chapter

Three Problem Texts Not Belonging to Any Known Group of Texts

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 295-353
Book chapter

The Beginning and the End of the Sumerian King List

Jöran Friberg
Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, p. 231-243
Book chapter

Mathematics at Ur in the old Babylonian period

Jöran Friberg

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