Alberto Ghione

Showing 9 publications


Assessment of criteria for Onset of Flow Instability in vertical narrow rectangular channels with downward flow

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-12)
Paper in proceeding

Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for the simulation of a station blackout scenario in the Jules Horowitz Reactor

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 104, p. 28-41
Journal article

Criteria for onset of flow instability in heated vertical narrow rectangular channels at low pressure: an assessment study

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 105, p. 464-478
Journal article

Assessment of thermal–hydraulic correlations for narrow rectangular channels with high heat flux and coolant velocity

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 99, p. 344-356
Journal article

Assessment of Critical Heat Flux correlations in narrow rectangular channels

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
Proceedings of the 11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-11), Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 9-13 2016
Paper in proceeding

Wall superheat prediction in narrow rectangular channels under fully developed boiling of water at low pressures

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
Proc. 16th Int. Topl. Mtg. Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16). Vol. 10, p. 8360-8373
Paper in proceeding

On the prediction of single-phase forced convection heat transfer in narrow rectangular channels

Alberto Ghione, Brigitte Noel, Paolo Vinai et al
Proceedings of the 10th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-10), Okinawa, Japan, December 14-18, 2014, on CD-ROM, Paper No. 1116
Paper in proceeding

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