Ingrid Hessel

Showing 10 publications


Interfacing in supplier relationships: A theoretical analysis of the multiple roles of purchasing

Ingrid Hessel, Nojan Najafi
Proceedings of the 23rd IPSERA Conference
Paper in proceeding

Supply Side Organising – Linking Three Overlapping Domains

Ingrid Hessel, Lars-Erik Gadde
The IMP Journal. Vol. 7 (1), p. 24-45
Journal article

Organising the supply side – balancing three levels of analysis

Ingrid Hessel, Lars-Erik Gadde
IMP Journal Seminar, Gothenburg, 10-11 May
Paper in proceeding

Analysing System Sourcing Organising Interplay – A Case Study of System Design, Sourcing Strategy and Organisational Arrangements

Ingrid Hessel
Proceedings of the 27th IMP Conference, Glasgow, September 1-3
Paper in proceeding

System Sourcing Organising – A Network Perspective

Ingrid Hessel
Presented at the 21th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Vaasa, August 15-17
Other conference contribution

Organising the supply side of companies - System sourcing at a military equipment producer

Ingrid Hessel
20th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Sønderborg, August 16-18
Other conference contribution

The importance of linking internal and external supply side organising - Purchasing transformation in the service sector

Ingrid Hessel, David Allcock, Lars-Erik Gadde
26th Annual IMP Conference, Corvinus University, Budapest, September 2-4
Paper in proceeding

Organising the supply side of a company.

Ingrid Hessel
Research Plan presented at the 19th Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Jönköping August 12-14.
Other conference contribution

Problems in Purchasing Reorganising

Ingrid Hessel, Lars-Erik Gadde
Proceedings of the 18th Annual IPSERA Conference, European Business School, Wiesbaden, April 5-8.
Paper in proceeding

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