Åsa Isacson

Doctoral Student at Urban Design and Planning

Åsa Isacson is a PhD candidate in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE) at Chalmers University of Technology. She looks at how the toolbox for decentralized, small scale communities has changed in the last 20 years, exploring new digital layers that can support and strengthen the role of such communities as radical laboratories of change. Keywords: Post-growth, Degrowth, Communities, Technology, Decentralization, Autonomy, Innovation.

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Showing 2 publications


The use of digital layers in post-growth communities - an exploratory study

Åsa Isacson, Marco Adelfio
Proceedings for the 6th International Conference on Smart Villages and Rural Development (COSVARD 2023)
Other conference contribution

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Showing 1 research projects


Digital Twin for modelling future energy needs in the building stock of the city of Gothenburg: a tool for increased stakeholder collaboration, energy efficiency, and coordination of energy issues

Daniela Maiullari Architectural theory and methods
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Vasilis Naserentin Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Åsa Isacson Urban Design and Planning
Giliam Dokter Architectural theory and methods
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Göteborg Energi AB

5 publications exist
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