Anders Järdnäs

Showing 6 publications


Alumina scale formation on a powder metallurgical FeCrAl alloy (Kanthal APMT) at 900-1100°C in dry O2 and in O2 + H2O

Josefin Engkvist, Sead Canovic, Kristina M Hellström et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 73 (1), p. 233-253
Journal article

Influence of SO2 on the oxidation of 304L steel in O-2+40%H2O at 600 degrees C

Anders Järdnäs, Jan-Erik Svensson, Lars-Gunnar Johansson
Oxidations of Metal. Vol. 69 (3-4), p. 249-263
Journal article

The effect of traces of SO2 on iron oxidation: A microstructural study

Torbjörn Jonsson, Anders Järdnäs, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 67 (3-4), p. 193-213
Journal article

Oxidation of Fe and Fe-Cr steel : the inhibitive effect of SO2

Anders Järdnäs
Licentiate thesis

Reactivity of some metal oxides supported on alumina with alternating methane and oxygen - Application for chemical-looping combustion

Tobias Mattisson, Anders Järdnäs, Anders Lyngfelt
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 17 (3), p. 643-651
Journal article

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