Axel Kahnt

Showing 6 publications


High quality reduced graphene oxide flakes by fast kinetically controlled and clean indirect UV-induced radical reduction

R. Flyunt, W. Knolle, Axel Kahnt et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 8 (14), p. 7572-7579
Journal article

Shedding light on the soft and efficient free radical induced reduction of graphene oxide: Hidden mechanisms and energetics

Axel Kahnt, R. Flyunt, S. Naumov et al
RSC Advances. Vol. 6 (73), p. 68835-68845
Journal article

Hopping versus Tunneling Mechanism for Long-Range Electron Transfer in Porphyrin Oligomer Bridged Donor-Acceptor Systems

Melina Gilbert Gatty, Axel Kahnt, L. J. Esdaile et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 119 (24), p. 7598-7611
Journal article

Synthesis and Photophysics of Coaxial Threaded Molecular Wires: Polyrotaxanes with Triarylamine Jackets

G. Sforazzini, Axel Kahnt, Michael Wykes et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 118 (8), p. 4553-4566
Journal article

Temperature Dependence of Charge Separation and Recombination in Porphyrin Oligomer-Fullerene Donor-Acceptor Systems

Axel Kahnt, Joakim Kärnbratt, L. J. Esdaile et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 133 (25), p. 9863-9871
Journal article

Molecular Implementation of Sequential and Reversible Logic Through Photochromic Energy Transfer Switching

Patricia Remón Ruiz, Martin Hammarson, Shiming Li et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 17 (23), p. 6492-6500
Journal article

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