Mattias Henriksson

Showing 5 publications


Estimation of Thrust and Health Parameters for Jet Engines

Mattias Henriksson
Doctoral thesis

A Study on Engine Health Monitoring in the Frequency Domain

S. Borguet, Mattias Henriksson, Tomas McKelvey et al
ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, p. GT2010-22635
Paper in proceeding

Reduced order Thrust Estimation for a Jet Engine

Mattias Henriksson, Tomas Grönstedt
50th ASME Turbo Expo, pp
Paper in proceeding

Estimation of thrust and mass flow in a jet engine

Mattias Henriksson, Claes Breitholtz
Proc of IEEE CCA 2004, p. 7-
Paper in proceeding

Engine Variability Impact on Reduced Order Thrust Estimation Filters

Mattias Henriksson, Tomas Grönstedt
40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 11 - 14 July
Paper in proceeding

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