Mattias Andersson

Showing 11 publications


Development and Evaluation of Drug Loaded Regenerated Bacterial Cellulose-Based Matrices as a Potential Dosage Form

Munair Badshah, Hanif Ullah, Feng He et al
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Vol. 8
Journal article

On the structural and magnetic properties of the double perovskite Nd2NiMnO6Nd2NiMnO6

J. Cedervall, Sergey A. Ivanov, E. Lewin et al
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. Vol. 30 (17), p. 16571-16578
Journal article

Influence of Molecular Weight on the Creep Resistance of Almost Molten Polyethylene Blends

Mattias Andersson, Roman Städler, Per Ola Hagstrand et al
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 219 (3)
Journal article

Temperature-dependent structural and magnetic properties of R2MMnO6 double perovskites (R=Dy, Gd; M=Ni, Co)

S. A. Ivanov, Mattias Andersson, J. Cedervall et al
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. Vol. 29 (21), p. 18581-18592
Journal article

Highly Insulating Polyethylene Blends for High-Voltage Direct-Current Power Cables

Mattias Andersson, Jonna Hynynen, Mats Andersson et al
ACS Macro Letters. Vol. 6 (2), p. 78-82
Journal article

Correlation between phase-behavior and thermo-mechanical properties of a melt-miscible blend

Thomas Gkourmpis, Mattias Andersson, Christian Müller
Other conference contribution

Additive-like amounts of HDPE prevent creep of molten LDPE: Phase-behavior and thermo-mechanical properties of a melt-miscible blend

Mattias Andersson, Jonna Hynynen, Mats Andersson et al
Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. Vol. 55 (2), p. 146-156
Journal article

AC and DC Pre-stressed Electrical Trees in LDPE and its Aluminum Oxide Nanocomposites

Xiangrong Chen, Deni Murdany, Dongming Liu et al
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. Vol. 23 (3), p. 1506-1514
Journal article

Invariant Dielectric Strength upon Addition of Low Amounts of HDPE to LDPE

Mattias Andersson, Xiangrong Chen, Jonna Hynynen et al
Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP. Vol. 2016-December, p. 711-714
Paper in proceeding

Dielectric strength of γ-radiation cross-linked, high vinyl-content polyethylene

Mattias Andersson, Markus Jarvid, Anette Johansson et al
European Polymer Journal. Vol. 64, p. 101-107
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Polyolefins for electricity energy distribution

Helena Andersson Polymer Technology
Mats Andersson Polymer Technology
Mattias Andersson Polymer Technology
Markus Jarvid Polymer Technology
Harald Wutzel Polymer Technology
Christian Müller Polymer Technology
Borealis GmbH

1 publication exists
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