Daniel Olsson

Doctoral Student at Building Services Engineering
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Showing 7 publications


Luftrenare i operationssalar i låginkomstländer

Jörgen Rutegård, Daniel Olsson, Lars Ekberg
Svensk kirurgi . Vol. 82 (1), p. 40-41
Magazine article

En Roadshow på temat: Ventilation - problem eller lösning i dagens energisituation?

Lars Ekberg, Daniel Olsson
Other conference contribution

Feedback Control in Swedish Multi-Family Buildings for Lower Energy Demand and Assured Indoor Temperature—Measurements and Interviews

Daniel Olsson, Peter J Filipsson, Anders Trüschel
Energies. Vol. 16 (18)
Journal article

Infektions- och smittskyddssäkrade vårdlokaler i låginkomstländer - LÄGESRAPPORT

Daniel Olsson
Renhetsteknik. Vol. 52 (4), p. 14-17
Magazine article

Infektions- och smittskyddssäkrade vårdlokaler i låginkomstländer

Daniel Olsson
Renhetsteknik. Vol. 52 (1), p. 12-13
Magazine article

Ventilation i Sverige 2021 - Enkät

Lars Ekberg, Daniel Olsson, Mats Persson
Report - Malmö university

Status of Ventilation in Sweden

Daniel Olsson, Lars Ekberg, Mats Persson
The REHVA European HVAC Journal. Vol. 59 (2), p. 52-55
Magazine article

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Showing 2 research projects


Infection and contagion-proof care facilities in low-income countries

Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Daniel Olsson Building Services Engineering
Bengt Ljungqvist Building Services Engineering
Berit Reinmüller Building Services Engineering
Catinka Ullmann Building Services Engineering

1 publication exists

Comparison of control strategies for heating systems in multifamily buildings based on measurements

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Anders Trüschel Building Services Engineering
Daniel Olsson Building Services Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency

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