Roy Ogink

Showing 6 publications


Approximation of Detailed-Chemistry Modeling by a Simplified HCCI Combustion Model

Roy Ogink
7th Int. Conf. on Engines for Automobile, ICE2005, September 2005, Capri, Italy (SAE 2005-24-37)
Paper in proceeding

Computer Modeling of HCCI Combustion

Roy Ogink
Doctoral thesis

Location of the First Auto-Ignition Sites for Two HCCI Systems in a Direct Injection Engine

Lucien Koopmans, Johan Wallesten, Roy Ogink et al
SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE paper 2004-01-0564
Journal article

Reaction Mechanisms for Natural Gas and Gasoline in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine Modeling

Roy Ogink, Valeri Golovitchev
6th Int. Conf. on Engines for Autmobile, SAE Naples, ICE2003, Italy, September, 2003
Paper in proceeding

Gasoline HCCI Modeling: An Engine Cycle Simulation Code with a Multi-Zone Combustion Model

Roy Ogink, Valeri Golovitchev
SAE paper 2002-01-1745
Paper in proceeding

Gasoline HCCI Modeling: Computer Program Combining Detailed Chemistry and Gas Exchange Processes

Roy Ogink, Valeri Golovitchev
SAE paper 2001-01-3614
Paper in proceeding

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