Rolf Ottersten

Showing 6 publications


Regenerating-mode stabilization of the "statically compensated voltage model''

Lennart Harnefors, Rolf Ottersten
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. Vol. 54 (2), p. 818-824
Journal article

Sensorless Vector Control and Instability Phenomena of Induction Motors

Rolf Ottersten, Lennart Harnefors
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. Vol. 80 (5), p. 476-483
Journal article

Voltage Sag Response of PWM Rectifiers for Variable-Speed Wind Turbines

Rolf Ottersten, Andreas Petersson, Kai Pietiläinen
Nordic Workshop on Power and Industrial Electronics
Paper in proceeding

Grid Impact of a 20 kW Variable Speed Wind Turbine

Torbjörn Thiringer, Wolfgang Hesse, Anders Grauers et al
European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (EWEC ´99), Nice, France March 1-5, 1999
Paper in proceeding

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