Alvar Palm

Showing 9 publications


Innovation systems for technology diffusion: An analytical framework and two case studies

Alvar Palm
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 182
Journal article

Solar business model adoption by energy incumbents: the importance of strategic fit

Maria Altunay, Anna Bergek, Alvar Palm
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 40, p. 501-520
Journal article

Early adopters and their motives: Differences between earlier and later adopters of residential solar photovoltaics

Alvar Palm
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 133
Journal article

Information dissemination and residential solar PV adoption rates: The effect of an information campaign in Sweden

Alvar Palm, Björn Lantz
Energy Policy. Vol. 142 (July)
Journal article

Peer effects in residential solar photovoltaics adoption—A mixed methods study of Swedish users

Alvar Palm
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 26, p. 1-10
Journal article

Local factors driving the diffusion of solar photovoltaics in Sweden: A case study of five municipalities in an early market

Alvar Palm
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 14, p. 1-12
Journal article

Overcoming barriers to renewable energy diffusion: business models for customer-sited solar photovoltaics in Japan, Germany and the United States

Lars Strupeit, Alvar Palm
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 123, p. 124-136
Journal article

An emerging innovation system for deployment of building-sited solar photovoltaics in Sweden

Alvar Palm
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 15, p. 140-157
Journal article

Legislative Readiness for RED

Oskar Englund, Göran Berndes, Maria A M Franzén et al

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