Rickard von Haugwitz

Showing 6 publications


Reality construction in cognitive agents through processes of info-computation

Gordana Dodig Crnkovic, Rickard von Haugwitz
Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics. Vol. 28, p. 211-232
Book chapter

Probabilistic Computation and Emotion as Self-regulation

Rickard von Haugwitz, Gordana Dodig Crnkovic
Proceedings of the 2015 European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops (ECSAW '15). ACM, New York, NY, USA. Vol. 07-11-September-2015
Paper in proceeding

A Computational Account of Emotion, an Oxymoron?

Rickard von Haugwitz, Gordana Dodig Crnkovic, Alexander Almér
Proceedings of the ISIS Summit Vienna 2015, 3–7 June 2015; Vienna, Austria
Paper in proceeding

Collective cognition and distributed information processing from bacteria to humans

Alexander Almér, Gordana Dodig Crnkovic, Rickard von Haugwitz
AISB Convention 2015, Canterbury, United Kingdom, 20-22 April 2015
Paper in proceeding

A Cognitive Architecture Based on Dual Process Theory

Claes Strannegård, Rickard von Haugwitz, Johan Wessberg et al
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 7999, p. 140-149
Paper in proceeding

Modulating reinforcement-learning parameters using agent emotions

Rickard von Haugwitz, Y. Kitamura, K. Takashima
6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, and 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligence Systems, SCIS/ISIS 2012, p. 1281-1285
Paper in proceeding

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