Per Sillrén

Showing 7 publications


Liquid 1-propanol studied by neutron scattering, near-infrared, and dielectric spectroscopy

Per Sillrén, Aleksandar Matic, Maths Karlsson et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 140 (12)
Journal article

The temperature dependent structure of liquid 1-propanol as studied by neutron diffraction and EPSR simulations

Per Sillrén, Jan Swenson, Johan Mattsson et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 138 (21), p. 214501-
Journal article

Trees, Queues and Alcohols

Per Sillrén
Doctoral thesis

Hydrogen Bonding in Liquid Alcohols

Per Sillrén
Licentiate thesis

A statistical model of hydrogen bond networks in liquid alcohols

Per Sillrén, Johan Bielecki, Johan Mattsson et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 136 (9), p. 094514-094521
Journal article

On the critical non-additivity driving segregation of asymmetric binary hard sphere fluids

Per Sillrén, Jean-Pierre Hansen
Molecular Physics. Vol. 108 (1), p. 97-104
Journal article

Perturbation theory for systems with strong short-ranged interactions

Per Sillrén, Jean-Pierre Hansen
Molecular Physics. Vol. 105 (13-14), p. 1803-1811
Journal article

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