Shirley Booth

Showing 9 publications


Paths of learning—the joint constitution of insights

Shirley Booth, Inger Wistedt, Ola Halldén et al
Learning Mathematics: From Hierarchies to Networks, p. 62-82
Book chapter

Physics group work in a phenomenographic perspective - learning dynamics as the experience of variation and relevance

Åke Ingerman, Maria Berge, Shirley Booth
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 34 (4), p. 349 - 358
Journal article

Learning in physics group work - Dynamics, variation and the experience of relevance

Åke Ingerman, Maria Berge, Shirley Booth
Presented at the EARLI SIG 9 meeting, Kristianstad, May 2008
Paper in proceeding

Learning and the variation in focus among physics students when using a computer simulation

Åke Ingerman, Cedric Linder, Delia Marshall et al
NorDiNa. Vol. 3 (1), p. 3-14
Journal article

The role of computer simulations in university students’ reasoning about physics

Tom Adawi, Åke Ingerman, Shirley Booth
the third Scandinavian Symposium on Research in Science Education, Karlstad, February 2006
Paper in proceeding

Trusting results – An exploration of physicists’ appraisal of their own and others’ research

Åke Ingerman, Shirley Booth
the 11th EARLI conference, Nicosia, August 2005
Paper in proceeding

Making sense of Physics in the first year of study Learning and Instruction

Shirley Booth, Åke Ingerman
Learning and Instruction. Vol. 12 (5), p. 493-507
Journal article

On context in phenomenographic research on understanding heat and temperature

Tom Adawi, Anders Berglund, Åke Ingerman et al
The 9th EARLI conference, Fribourg, August 2001, Fribourg, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

Activated Learning Through Computer- Assisted Self-Studies

Said Irandoust, Shirley Booth, Claes Niklasson
3rd East west Congress on Engineering Education Gdynia, polen,, p. 29-32
Paper in proceeding

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