Palle Dahlstedt

Showing 13 publications


Using Advisory 3D Sound Cues to Improve Drivers’ Performance and Situation Awareness

Minjuan Wang, Sus Lundgren, Chenhui Hong et al
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM press.. Vol. 2017-May
Paper in proceeding

Augmented Creativity: Evolution of Musical Score Material

Palle Dahlstedt, Mats Nordahl

Chaotic Sounds in Coupled Oscillator Networks

Palle Dahlstedt, Joakim Linde, Mats Nordahl

Artificial Life: Why Should Musicians Bother?

Rodney Berry, Palle Dahlstedt
Contemporary Music Review. Vol. 22 (3), p. 57-67
Journal article

Living Melodies – Coevolution Of Sonic Communication

Palle Dahlstedt, Mats Nordahl
Leonardo. Vol. 34 (3), p. 243-248
Journal article

Creating and Exploring Huge Parameter Spaces: Interactive Evolution as a Tool for Sound Generation

Palle Dahlstedt
Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Habana, Cuba: Instituto Cubano de la Musica, and San Francisco, CA: International Computer Music Association., p. 235-242
Paper in proceeding

A MutaSynth in Parameter Space: Interactive Composition Through Evolution,

Palle Dahlstedt
Proceedings of Music Without Walls? Music Without Instruments? Conference, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Paper in proceeding

A MutaSynth in Parameter Space: Interactive Composition Through Evolution

Palle Dahlstedt
Organised Sound. Vol. 6 (2), p. 121-124
Journal article

Unfinished Symphonies - songs of 31/2 worlds

Rodney Berry, Wasinee Rungsarityotin, Alan Dorin et al
Artificial Life Models for Musical Applications, Bilotta et al (eds), ECAL 2001 Prague, September 9, Editoriale Bios, p. 51-64
Paper in proceeding

Creating and Exploring the Huge Space Called Sound: Interactive Evolution as a Composition Tool

Palle Dahlstedt
Proceedings of Music Without Walls? Music Without Instruments? Conference, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Paper in proceeding

Om konens musik

Palle Dahlstedt
Kring det svenska millennieminnesmärket (Johan Linton, ed.), p. 46-47
Book chapter

Living Melodies – Coevolution Of Sonic Communication

Palle Dahlstedt, Mats Nordahl
Proceedings of the First Iteration Conference on generative processes in the electronic arts, p. 56-66
Paper in proceeding

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