Zandra George

Showing 8 publications


Two-in-one: cathode modification and improved solar cell blend stability through addition of modified fullerenes

Zandra George, Y. X. Xia, A. Sharma et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 4 (7), p. 2663-2669
Journal article

Stability of Polymer Interlayer Modified ITO Electrodes for Organic Solar Cells

A. Sharma, Zandra George, Trystan Bennett et al
Australian Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 69 (7), p. 735-740
Journal article

Improved performance and life time of inverted organic photovoltaics by using polymer interfacial materials

Zandra George, E. Voroshazi, Camilla Lindqvist et al
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. Vol. 133, p. 99-104
Journal article

Stability study of quinoxaline and pyrido pyrazine based co-polymers for solar cell applications

Patrik Henriksson, Camilla Lindqvist, Bedasa Abdisa et al
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. Vol. 130, p. 138-143
Journal article

The Influence of Alkoxy Substitutions on the Properties of Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Phenyl Copolymers for Solar Cells

Zandra George, Renee Kroon, R. Gehlhaar et al
Materials. Vol. 6 (7), p. 3022-3034
Journal article

Interlayer for Modified Cathode in Highly Efficient Inverted ITO-Free Organic Solar Cells

Z. Tang, L. M. Andersson, Zandra George et al
Advanced Materials. Vol. 24 (4), p. 554-+
Journal article

Semi-Transparent Tandem Organic Solar Cells with 90% Internal Quantum Efficiency

Z. Tang, Zandra George, Z. F. Ma et al
Advanced Energy Materials. Vol. 2 (12), p. 1467-1476
Journal article

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