Frida Abel

Showing 24 publications


MYO5B mutations in pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma promote cancer progression

Tajana Tesan Tomic, Josefin Olausson, Anna Rehammar et al
PLoS Genetics. Vol. 16 (6), p. e1008803-
Journal article

Malignant pheochromocytomas/paragangliomas harbor mutations in transport and cell adhesion genes.

Annica Wilzén, Anna Rehammar, Andreas Muth et al
International Journal of Cancer. Vol. 138 (9), p. 2201-11
Journal article

ERBB3 is a marker of a ganglioneuroblastoma/ganglioneuroma-like expression profile in neuroblastic tumours.

Annica Wilzén, Cecilia Krona, Baldur Sveinbjörnsson et al
Molecular Cancer. Vol. 12 (July 2013), p. artikel nr 70-
Journal article

Stage-dependent expression of PI3K/Akt‑pathway genes in neuroblastoma.

Susanne Fransson, Frida Abel, Per Kogner et al
International journal of oncology. Vol. 42 (2), p. 609-16
Journal article

Expression of TWEAK/Fn14 in neuroblastoma: Implications in tumorigenesis

I. Pettersen, N. Baryawno, Frida Abel et al
International Journal of Oncology. Vol. 42 (4), p. 1239-1248
Journal article

Prevalence of Germline Mutations in Patients with Pheochromocytoma or Abdominal Paraganglioma and Sporadic Presentation: A Population-Based Study in Western Sweden.

Andreas Muth, Frida Abel, Svante Jansson et al
World Journal of Surgery. Vol. 36 (6), p. 1389-94
Journal article

A 6-gene signature identifies four molecular subgroups of neuroblastoma

Frida Abel, Daniel Dalevi, Maria Nethander et al
Cancer Cell International. Vol. 11 (9)
Journal article

Verification of genes differentially expressed in neuroblastoma tumours: a study of potential tumour suppressor genes.

Kaisa Thorell, Annika Bergman, Helena Carén et al
BMC Medical Genomics. Vol. 2 (1), p. 53-
Journal article

The Phox2 pathway is differentially expressed in neuroblastoma tumors, but no mutations were found in the candidate tumor suppressor gene PHOX2A.

Annica Wilzén, Staffan Nilsson, Rose-Marie Sjöberg et al
International Journal of Oncology. Vol. 34 (3), p. 697-705
Journal article

High incidence of DNA mutations and gene amplifications of the ALK gene in advanced sporadic neuroblastoma tumours.

Helena Carén, Frida Abel, Per Kogner et al
Biochemical Journal. Vol. 416 (2), p. 153-9
Journal article

High incidence of DNA mutations and gene amplifications of the ALK gene in advanced sporadic neuroblastoma tumours

Helena Carén, Frida Abel, Per Kogner et al
Biochemical Journal. Vol. 416 (2), p. 153-159
Journal article

No germline mutations in supposed tumour suppressor genes SAFB1 and SAFB2 in familial breast cancer with linkage to 19p

Annika Bergman, Frida Abel, Afrouz Behboudi et al
BMC Medical Genetics. Vol. 9 (1), p. 108-
Journal article

Gene expression variation to predict 10-year survival in lymph-node-negative breast cancer.

Elin Karlsson, Ulla Delle, Anna Danielsson et al
BMC Cancer. Vol. 8, p. 254-
Journal article

Significant Decrease in mRNA Expression of Five Genes Mapped at 1p36.2, comparing Favorable and Unfavorable Neuroblastomas.

Susanne Fransson, Cecilia Krona, Rose-Marie Sjöberg et al
Advances in Neuroblastoma Research 2006, Los Angeles, USA, 2006
Other conference contribution

Imbalance of the mitochondrial pro- and anti-apoptotic mediators in neuroblastoma tumours with unfavourable biology.

Frida Abel, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Staffan Nilsson et al
European Journal of Cancer. Vol. 41 (4), p. 635-46
Journal article

A novel 1p36.2 located gene, APITD1, with tumour-suppressive properties and a putative p53-binding domain, shows low expression in neuroblastoma tumours.

Cecilia Krona, Katarina Ejeskär, Helena Carén et al
British Journal of Cancer. Vol. 91 (6), p. 1119-30
Journal article

Investigation of the role of SDHB inactivation in sporadic phaeochromocytoma and neuroblastoma.

D Astuti, M Morris, Cecilia Krona et al
British Journal of Cancer. Vol. 91 (10), p. 1835-41
Journal article

Mutations in the N-terminal domain of DFF45 in a primary germ cell tumor and in neuroblastoma tumors.

Frida Abel, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Cecilia Krona et al
International Journal of Oncology. Vol. 25 (5), p. 1297-302
Journal article

Screening for gene mutations in a 500 kb neuroblastoma tumor suppressor candidate region in chromosome 1p; mutation and stage-specific expression in UBE4B/UFD2.

Cecilia Krona, Katarina Ejeskär, Frida Abel et al
Oncogene. Vol. 22 (15), p. 2343-51
Journal article

Analyses of apoptotic regulators CASP9 and DFFA at 1P36.2, reveal rare allele variants in human neuroblastoma tumours.

Frida Abel, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Katarina Ejeskär et al
British Journal of Cancer. Vol. 86 (4), p. 596-604
Journal article

Fine mapping of a tumour suppressor candidate gene region in 1p36.2-3, commonly deleted in neuroblastomas and germ cell tumours.

Katarina Ejeskär, Rose-Marie Sjöberg, Frida Abel et al
Medical and Pediatric Oncology. Vol. 36 (1), p. 61-6
Journal article

Fine mapping of the human preprocortistatin gene (CORT) to neuroblastoma consensus deletion region 1p36.3-->p36.2, but absence of mutations in primary tumors.

Katarina Ejeskär, Frida Abel, Rose-Marie Sjöberg et al
Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics. Vol. 89 (1-2), p. 62-6
Journal article

Gain of chromosome arm 17q is associated with unfavourable prognosis in neuroblastoma, but does not involve mutations in the somatostatin receptor 2(SSTR2) gene at 17q24.

Frida Abel, Katarina Ejeskär, Per Kogner et al
British Journal of Cancer. Vol. 81 (8), p. 1402-9
Journal article

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