Marie Abadikhah

Showing 7 publications


Sorption of pharmaceuticals to foam and aerobic granular sludge with different morphologies

Cecilia Burzio, Amir Saeid Mohammadi, Sanne Smith et al
Resources, Environment and Sustainability. Vol. 15
Journal article

Viral diversity and host associations in microbial electrolysis cells

Marie Abadikhah, Anne Farewell, Britt-Marie Wilen et al
ISME Communications. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

A relationship between phages and organic carbon in wastewater treatment plant effluents

Oskar Modin, Nafis Fuad, Marie Abadikhah et al
Water Research X. Vol. 16
Journal article

Evidence of competition between electrogens shaping electroactive microbial communities in microbial electrolysis cells

Marie Abadikhah, Miguel de Celis Rodriguez, Frank Persson et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 13
Journal article

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