Srdjan Acimovic

Senior Research Engineer at Nanofabrication Laboratory image

Showing 5 publications


Antenna-Enhanced Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Resolves Calcium-Mediated Lipid-Lipid Interactions

Stephan Block, Srdjan Acimovic, Nils Odebo Länk et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 12 (4), p. 3272-3279
Journal article

Antibody−antigen interaction dynamics revealed by analysis of single-molecule equilibrium fluctuations on individual plasmonic nanoparticle biosensors

Srdjan Acimovic, Hana Jungová, Gustav Emilsson et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 12 (10), p. 9958-9965
Journal article

Probing Photothermal Effects on Optically Trapped Gold Nanorods by Simultaneous Plasmon Spectroscopy and Brownian Dynamics Analysis

Daniel Andrén, Lei Shao, Nils Odebo Länk et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 11 (10), p. 10053-10061
Journal article

Superior LSPR substrates based on electromagnetic decoupling for on-a-chip high-throughput label-free biosensing

Srdjan Acimovic, Hana Sipova, Gustav Emilsson et al
Light: Science and Applications. Vol. 6 (8), p. e17042-
Journal article

Unraveling the optomechanical nature of plasmonic trapping

P. Mestres, J. Berthelot, Srdjan Acimovic et al
Light: Science and Applications. Vol. 5 (7)
Journal article

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