Ian Jasper Agulo

Showing 9 publications


Responsivity and noise equivalent power of a single cold-electron bolometer

Ian Jasper Agulo, Leonid Kuzmin
Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol. 11 (10)
Journal article

An array of SIN tunnel junctions as a sensitive thermometer

Ian Jasper Agulo, Leonid Kuzmin
Superconductor Science and Technology. Vol. 21 (1), p. 5-
Journal article

Ultrasensitive Cold-Electron Bolometer

Ian Jasper Agulo
Doctoral thesis

Terahertz spectroscopy by Josephson oscillator and cold-electron bolometer

Mikhail Tarasov, Leonid Kuzmin, Tord Claeson et al
Sixth European Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics, p. 63-70
Paper in proceeding

Optimization of the electron cooling by SIN tunnel junctions

Leonid Kuzmin, Ian Jasper Agulo, Michael Fominsky et al
Superconductor Science and Technology. Vol. 17 (5), p. 400-405
Journal article

Terahertz Spectroscopy with a Josephson Radiator and a SINIS Bolometer

Mikhail Tarasov, Leonid Kuzmin, Evgeni Stepantsov et al
JETP Letters. Vol. 79 (6), p. 2998-3003
Journal article

Terahertz transmission spectroscopy by Josephson oscillator and cold-electron bolometer

Mikhail Tarasov, Leonid Kuzmin, Evgeni Stepantsov et al
SPIE USE. Vol. 4, p. 5619-
Journal article

Effective Electron Microrefrigeration by SIN Tunnel Junctions with Advanced Geometry of Electrodes and Normal Metal Traps

Ian Jasper Agulo, Leonid Kuzmin, Michael Fominsky et al
Nanotechnology. Vol. 15, p. S224-S228
Journal article

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