Åke Henrik-Klemens

Doctoral Student at Applied Chemistry

My research is on the interplay of the different components of the wood cell wall and how these can be modified to make a more thermoplastic material.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 5 publications


Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Plasticized and Esterified Native, Residual, and Technical Lignins: Compatibility and Glass Transition

Åke Henrik-Klemens, Ulrica Edlund, Gunnar Westman et al
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 13 (4), p. 1648-1656
Journal article

Towards personalized drug delivery via semi-solid extrusion: Exploring poly(vinyl alcohol-co-vinyl acetate) copolymers for hydrochlorothiazide-loaded films

Karin Korelc, Bjarke Strøm Larsen, Anna Lena Heintze et al
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 192
Journal article

Compatibility of Kraft Lignin and Phenol-Organosolv Lignin with PLA in 3D Printing and Assessment of Mechanical Recycling

Serena Frasca, Christos S. Katsiotis, Åke Henrik-Klemens et al
ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Vol. 6 (22), p. 13574-13584
Journal article

The glass transition temperature of isolated native, residual, and technical lignin

Åke Henrik-Klemens, Fabio Caputo, Roujin Ghaffari et al
Holzforschung. Vol. 78 (4), p. 216-230
Journal article

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