Albert Kircher
Showing 29 publications
The effects of a 6 h on/6 h off maritime watch system on sleep
Fatigue, Sleepiness and Sleep in Maritime Watch Systems: A Series of Simulator Studies
Sleep and sleepiness while on watch in a simulated '4 h on/8 h off' maritime watch system
Sleep and fatigue in bridge officers working 6 h on and 6 h off - a simulator study
Impact: More Than Maritime Risk Assessment
Subjective and objective sleepiness in a simulated "4 hours on/8 hours off" maritime watch system
A gaze-based driver distraction warning system and its effect on visual behaviour
Behaviour of deck officers with new assistance systems in the maritime domain
Performance of Seafarers During Extended Simulation Runs
Fatigue at Sea in Swedish Shipping-A Field Study
Performance of a one-camera and a three-camera system
Distraction and drowsiness – a field study
Fordon till fordon kommunikation – ett sätt att öka säkerheten för barn som reser med skolskjuts
Vehicle to vehicle communication – how to prepare drivers for dangerous situations
Fatigue at Sea: A field study in Swedish shipping
Traffic sense – which factors influence the skill to predict the development of traffic scenes?
Driver experience and cognitive workload in different traffic environments
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