Joan Alegret

Showing 8 publications


Shape efffects in the localized surface plasmon resonance of single nanoholes in thin metal films

Borja Sepulveda, Yury Alaverdyan, Joan Alegret et al
Optics Express. Vol. 16 (8), p. 5609-5616
Journal article

Green's tensor calculations of plasmon resonances of single holes and hole pairs in thin gold films

Joan Alegret, P. Johansson, Mikael Käll
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 10, p. 13-
Journal article

Numerical Simulations of Plasmonic Nanostructures

Joan Alegret
Doctoral thesis

Plasmonic properties of silver trimers with trigonal symmetry fabricated by electron-beam lithography

Joan Alegret, Tomas Rindzevicius, Tavakol Pakizeh et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 112 (37), p. 14313-14317
Journal article

Top-down extended meshing algorithm and its applications to Green's tensor nano-optics calculations

Joan Alegret, Mikael Käll, Peter Johansson
Physical Review E. Vol. 75, p. #046702-
Journal article

Nanometric control of the distance between plasmonic nanoparticles using optical forces

Borja Sepulveda, Joan Alegret, Mikael Käll
Optics Express. Vol. 15, p. 14914-14920
Journal article

Sensing Characteristics of NIR Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances in Gold Nanorings for Application as Ultrasensitive Biosensors

Elin Maria Kristina Larsson, Joan Alegret, Mikael Käll et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 7 (5), p. 1256-1263
Journal article

Josephson currents in S-2DEG-S hetero-structures

Joan Alegret
Licentiate thesis

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