Desalegn Alemu Mengistie

Showing 4 publications


Electrically conductive highly elastic polyamide/lycra fabric treated with PEDOT:PSS and polyurethane

Melkie Getnet Tadesse, Desalegn Alemu Mengistie, Yan Chen et al
Journal of Materials Science. Vol. 54 (13), p. 9591-9602
Journal article

Electromechanical properties of polyamide/lycra fabric treated with PEDOT:PSS

M. G. Tadesse, Desalegn Alemu Mengistie, C. Loghin et al
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 254 (7)
Paper in proceeding

Machine-Washable PEDOT:PSS Dyed Silk Yarns for Electronic Textiles

Jason Ryan, Desalegn Alemu Mengistie, R. Gabrielsson et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 9 (10), p. 9045-9050
Journal article

Thermoelectric plastics: from design to synthesis, processing and structure-property relationships

Renee Kroon, Desalegn Alemu Mengistie, David Kiefer et al
Chemical Society Reviews. Vol. 45 (22), p. 6147-6164
Review article

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