Anders Friberg

Advisor at Legal and Development Support

The assignment as ranking coordinator includes reporting and analysis of ranking data, dialogue with stakeholders, target groups and ranking organizations, and integration of the ranking perspective in the strategic work at Chalmers.

Anders has a research background in Physiology, with a PhD from the Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg in 2009. He has a total of 11 years experience of research funding, and has in earlier roles at Chalmers been responsible for the Grants Office, and head of unit for the Research Support Office at the Division of Operative and Strategic Support.

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Showing 1 publications


Workshop report: 28th Nordic workshop on bibliometrics and research policy, October 11-13, 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden

Jakaria Rahman, Marco Schirone, Anders Friberg et al
Information Research an International Electronic Journal. Vol. 29 (1), p. 147-157
Paper in proceeding

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