Anna Dahlgren

Showing 8 publications


Sleep, Sleepiness, and Neurobehavioral Performance While on Watch in a Simulated 4 Hours on/8 Hours off Maritime Watch System

W. M. A. Van Leeuwen, Albert Kircher, Anna Dahlgren et al
Annual Review of Chronopharmacology. Vol. 30 (9), p. 1108-1115
Journal article

Subjective and objective sleepiness in a simulated "4 hours on/8 hours off" maritime watch system

W Van Leeuwen, Albert Kircher, Anna Dahlgren et al
20th International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time. Stockholm, Sweden, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
Conference poster

Fatigue and sleepiness in seafarers working in a 6-on 6-off shift system - results from one week of simulated navigation work

Anna Dahlgren, Wessel Van Leeuwen, Albert Kircher et al
20th International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time. Stockholm, Sweden, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.
Conference poster

Comparing subjective and objective sleepiness between the two most common maritime watch systems: a bridge simulator study

W Van Leeuwen, Anna Dahlgren, Albert Kircher et al
20th International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time
Conference poster

Fatigue at Sea in Swedish Shipping-A Field Study

Margareta Lützhöft, Anna Dahlgren, Albert Kircher et al
American Journal of Industrial Medicine. Vol. 53 (7), p. 733-740
Journal article

The impact of shift patterns on junior doctors' perceptions of fatigue, training, work/life balance and the role of social support

M. Brown, P. Tucker, F. Rapport et al
Quality and Safety in Health Care. Vol. 19 (6)
Journal article

The impact of junior doctors' worktime arrangements on their fatigue and well-being

P. Tucker, M. Brown, Anna Dahlgren et al
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. Vol. 36 (6), p. 458-465
Journal article

Day to day variation in saliva cortisol-Relation with sleep, stress and self-rated health

Anna Dahlgren, Göran Kecklund, Thöres Theorell et al
Biological Psychology. Vol. 82 (2), p. 149-155
Journal article

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