Annika Ekedahl

Showing 5 publications


Multi-megawatt, gigajoule plasma operation in Tore Supra

R. J. Dumont, M. Goniche, Annika Ekedahl et al
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol. 56 (7)
Journal article

Recent progress on lower hybrid current drive and implications for ITER

J. Hillairet, Annika Ekedahl, M. Goniche et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 53 (7)
Journal article

Comparative modelling of lower hybrid current drive with two launcher designs in the Tore Supra tokamak

Emelie Nilsson, J. Decker, Y. Peysson et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 53 (8)
Journal article

Lower hybrid current drive at high density on Tore Supra

M. Goniche, V. Basiuk, J. Decker et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 53 (3)
Journal article

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