Arvid Ödegård Jensen

Showing 38 publications


SIMSISAK–a Method to Model Nuclide Transport in the SISAK System

Gunnar Skarnemark, R. Malmbeck, M. Johansson et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 37 (3-4), p. 232-244
Journal article

Using Cyanex 923 for selective extraction in a high concentration chloride medium on nickel metal hydride battery waste Part II: mixer-settler experiments

Kristian Larsson, Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
Hydrometallurgy. Vol. 133, p. 168-175
Journal article

Dark oxidation of water in soils

S. Fleischer, Lovisa Bauhn, Patrik Fors et al
Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology. Vol. 65 (1)
Journal article

Dissolution and characterization of HEV NiMH batteries

Kristian Larsson, Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
Waste Management. Vol. 33 (3), p. 689-698
Journal article

The structure of plutonium(IV) oxide as hydrolysed clusters in aqueous suspensions

Christian Ekberg, Kristian Larsson, Gunnar Skarnemark et al
Dalton Transactions. Vol. 42 (6), p. 2035-2040
Journal article

Statistical uncertainty analisis applied to the DRAGONv4 code lattice calculations and based on JENDL-4 covariance data

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christophe Demaziere, Christian Ekberg et al
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2012: Advances in Reactor Physics, PHYSOR 2012; Knoxville, TN; United States; 15 April 2012 through 20 April 2012. Vol. 4, p. 2960-2974
Paper in proceeding

Statistical uncertainty analysis applied to the DRAGONv4 code lattice calculations and based on JENDL-4 covariance data

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christophe Demaziere, Christian Ekberg et al
Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in Reactor Physics – Linking Research, Industry, and Education (PHYSOR 2012), Knoxville, TN, USA, April 15-20, 2012, American Nuclear Society. Vol. 4, p. 2960-2974
Paper in proceeding

Using Cyanex 923 for selective extraction in a high concentration chloride medium on nickel metal hydride battery waste

Kristian Larsson, Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
Hydrometallurgy. Vol. 129-130, p. 35-42
Journal article

Uncertainties in chemical modelling of solubility, speciation and sorption

Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
Accreditation and Quality Assurance. Vol. 16 (4-5), p. 207-214
Journal article

Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses as a validation tool for BWR bundle thermal-hydraulic predictions

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christian Ekberg, Christophe Demaziere et al
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 241 (9), p. 3697-3706
Journal article

Selective Dissolution of Electrode Materials from NiMH Batteries

Kristian Larsson, Arvid Ödegård Jensen, Christian Ekberg
Proceedings of Hydroprocess 2010 the 3rd International Workshop on Process Hydrometallurgy
Paper in proceeding

Statistical uncertainty analyses of void fraction predictions using two different sampling strategies: Latin Hypercube and Random Sampling

Augusto Hernandéz Solís, Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen et al
ASME Conference Proceedings. 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Xian, 17-21 May 2010. Vol. 4 (PARTS A AND B), p. 1059-1068
Paper in proceeding

Production of Rh-103m for cancer therapy

Gunnar Skarnemark, Arvid Ödegård Jensen, Julia Nilsson et al
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 280 (2), p. 371-373
Journal article

Leaching of spent nuclear fuel in the presence of siderophores

Anna Johnsson, Arvid Ödegård Jensen, Gunnar Skarnemark et al
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 279 (2), p. 619-626
Journal article

Hydrogenation catalysts from used nickel metal hydride batteries

Mark Foreman, Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
Green Chemistry. Vol. 10, p. 825-826
Journal article

Complexation of Americium with a-D-Isosaccharinate

Stefan Allard, Christian Ekberg, R Jolsterå et al
Proceedings of ISEC 2008. Vol. 1, p. 1133-1138
Journal article

Testing of uranium dioxide containing different levels of alpha activity under anaerobic and reducing conditions

Arvid Ödegård Jensen, Virginia Oversby
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 1104, p. 115-120
Paper in proceeding

Bioligand-mediated partitioning of radionuclides to the aqueous phase

Anna Johnsson, Arvid Ödegård Jensen, Anna-Maria Jakobsson et al
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. 277 (3), p. 637-644
Journal article

Leaching of spent nuclear fuel in the presence of siderophores

A Johansson, Arvid Ödegård Jensen, Christian Ekberg et al
Radiocheim Acta
Journal article

Leaching of spent nuclear fuel in the presence of siderophores

Anna Johansson, Arvid Ödegård Jensen, Christian Ekberg et al
Radio Chim Acta
Journal article

Microbial mobilization of uranium from shale mine waste

Birgitta E. Kalinowski, Anna Johnsson, Johanna Arlinger et al
Geomicrobiology Journal. Vol. 23 (3-4), p. 157-164
Journal article

Uncertainties in chemical speciation calculations

Arvid Ödegård Jensen
Licentiate thesis

Solid-aqueous phase partitioning of radionuclides by complexing compounds excreted by subsurface bacteria

Anna Johansson, Johanna Arlinger, Karsten Pedersen et al
Geomicrobiology Journal. Vol. 23(8), p. 621-630
Journal article

Redox control in solvent extraction studies using a PEEK AKUFVE unit

Christian Ekberg, H Persson, Arvid Ödegård Jensen et al
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange. Vol. 24 (2), p. 219-225
Journal article

Propagating non-normally distributeduncertainty-The Ljungskile code

Arvid Ödegård Jensen, Christian Ekberg
International workshop combining and reporting analytical results:the role of tracability and uncertainty for comparing analytical results, conference proceedings, p. 154-160
Other conference contribution

Solid-aqueous phase partitioning of radionuclides by complexing compounds excreted by subsurface bacteria

Anna Johnsson, Johanna Arlinger, Karsten Pedersen et al
Geomicrobiology Journal. Vol. 23 (8), p. 621-630
Journal article

Micro Reactor for Continuous Multistage Solvent Extraction

Gunnar Skarnemark, Stefan Andersson, K Eberhardt et al
Proc. Int. Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC-05, Beijing, pp. 1109-1114, 2005, p. 1109-1114
Journal article

Micro Reactor for Continuous Multistage Solvent Extraction

Gunnar Skarnemark, Sofie Andersson, Kalus Eberhardt et al
Proc. Int. Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC-05, p. 1109-1114
Paper in proceeding

LJUNGSKILE: a program for assessing uncertainties in speciation calculations

Arvid Ödegård Jensen, Christian Ekberg, Gunther Meinrath
Talanta. Vol. 63, p. 907-916
Journal article

Sorption of Iron on Surfaces: Modelling, Data Evaluation, and Measurement Uncertainty

Gunther Meinrath, Broder Merkel, Arvid Ödegård Jensen et al
Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica. Vol. 32 (2), p. 154-160
Journal article

Computer Programs for Uncertainty Analysis of Solubility Calculations: Windows Version and Other Updates of the SENVAR and UNCCON Program Description and Handling Instructions

Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
SKI report 04:20, I SRN SKI-R-04/20-SE, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate
Magazine article

Microbial leaching of uranium and other trace elements from shale mine tailings at Ranstad

Birgitta E. Kalinowski, Anna Oskarsson, Yngve Albinsson et al
Geoderma. Vol. 122 (2-4), p. 177-194
Journal article

LJUNGSKILE: a program for assessing uncertainties in speciation calculations

Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
Talanta (63), p. 907-916
Journal article

LJUNGSKILE 1.0: A computer program for investigation of uncertainties in chemical speciation

Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
SKI report 03:3, I SRN SKI-R-03/3-SE, Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate
Magazine article

The effect of Uncertainties in Stability Constants on Speciation Diagrams

Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management (XXIV), p. 509-514
Journal article

Detection of zirconium in organic and aqueous phases using an Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometer using the same aqueous standards

Christian Ekberg, Arvid Ödegård Jensen
Anal and Bioanal Chem (374), p. 1330-1334
Journal article

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