Stefan Åström

Showing 8 publications


Valuating environmental impacts from ship emissions – The marine perspective

Erik Ytreberg, Stefan Åström, Erik Fridell
Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 282
Journal article

Investment perspectives on costs for air pollution control affect the optimal use of emission control measures

Stefan Åström, Gregor Kiesewetter, Wolfgang Schöpp et al
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. Vol. 21 (3), p. 695-705
Journal article

The choice of climate metric is of limited importance when ranking options for abatement of near-term climate forcers

Stefan Åström, Daniel Johansson
Climatic Change. Vol. 154 (3-4), p. 401-416
Journal article

Framework to evaluate external costs of shipping

Erik Ytreberg, Stefan Åström, Erik Fridell
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

The costs and benefits of a nitrogen emission control area in the Baltic and North Seas

Stefan Åström, Katarina Yaramenka, Hulda Winnes et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 59 (March 2018), p. 223-236
Journal article

The impact of Swedish SO2 policy instruments on SO2 emissions 1990–2012

Stefan Åström, Katarina Yaramenka, Ingrid Mawdsley et al
Environmental Science and Policy. Vol. 77, p. 32-39
Journal article

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