Azra Habibovic

Showing 8 publications


Vulnerable road users and the coming wave of automated vehicles: Expert perspectives

Wilbert Tabone, Joost de Winter, Claudia Ackermann et al
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 9
Journal article

Driver behavior in car-to-pedestrian incidents: An application of the Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method (DREAM)

Azra Habibovic, Emma Tivesten, Uchida Nobuyuki et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 50, p. 554-565
Journal article

DREAMi – Final Report

Azra Habibovic, Jonas Bärgman

Manual for DREAM version 3.2

Mikael Ljung Aust, Azra Habibovic, Emma Tivesten et al

Causation mechanisms in car-to-vulnerable road user crashes: Implications for active safety systems

Azra Habibovic, Johan Davidsson
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 49, p. 493-500
Journal article

Requirements of a system to reduce car-to-vulnerable road user crashes in urban intersections

Azra Habibovic, Johan Davidsson
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 43 (4), p. 1570-1580
Journal article

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