Bengt Åkesson

Showing 9 publications


Wheel/rail rolling contact fatigue – Probe, predict, prevent

Anders Ekberg, Bengt Åkesson, Elena Kabo
Wear. Vol. 314 (1-2), p. 2-12
Journal article

Wheel/rail rolling contact fatigue - probe, predict, prevent

Anders Ekberg, Bengt Åkesson, Elena Kabo
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems (CM2012), p. 29-41
Paper in proceeding

Wp-cave - a new concept for underground high-level nuclear waste repository

Bengt Åkesson, S.G.A. Bergman, K.I. Sagefors
Subsurface Space: Environmental Protection Low Cost Storage Energy Savings. Vol. 2, p. 791-800
Book chapter

SFVIBAT-II, A computer program for space frame vibration analysis, Volume 1 and 2

Bengt Åkesson, Harald Tägnfors, Olof Friberg

Böjsvängande balkar och ramar

Bengt Åkesson, Harald Tägnfors, Ole Johannesson

On Lévy's plate solution

Bengt Åkesson
Doctoral thesis

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