Helene Bergsten

Showing 7 publications


Distribution of recent benthic foraminifera in the Kattegat and the Skagerrak, Scandinavia.

K Conradsen, Helene Bergsten, K.L. Knudsen et al
Cushman Foundation Special Publication. Vol. 32, p. 53-68
Paper in proceeding

Late Weichselian environmental change in southern Sweden and Denmark.

Björn. E. Berglund, Helene Bergsten, Svante Björck et al
Journal of Quaternary Science. Vol. 9, p. 127-132
Journal article

Middle Weichselian marine sediments from eastern Kattegat, Scandinavia.

Helene Bergsten, Kjell Nordberg
Boreas. Vol. 22, p. 311-318
Journal article

The benthic foraminifer Bulimina marginata Orbigny as an indicator of environmental changes in the Recent Skagerrak.

Helene Bergsten, Björn Malmgren, Kjell Nordberg
GFF. Vol. 14, p. 237-239
Journal article

Biostratigraphic and sedimentological evidence of hydrographic changes in the Kattegat during the later part of the Holocene.

Kjell Nordberg, Helene Bergsten
Marine Geology. Vol. 83, p. 135-138
Journal article

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