Karin Björkeborn

Showing 6 publications


Effect of Heat Treatment on Chip Formation in a Case Hardening Steel

Kumar Babu Surreddi, Karin Björkeborn, Uta Klement
Journal of Materials and Chemical Engineering. Vol. 1 (1), p. 1-7
Journal article

Study of microstructural influences on machinability of case hardening steel

Karin Björkeborn, Uta Klement, Hans-Börje Oskarson
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 49 (5-8), p. 441-446
Journal article

Study of machinability of case hardening steel in production environment

Karin Björkeborn, Uta Klement, Anders Lenander
Proceedings of the Swedish Production Symposium - 2009
Paper in proceeding

Effects on machining due to microstructure variations in a case hardening steel

Karin Björkeborn, Uta Klement, Hans-Börje Oskarson
Proceedings of the Swedish Production Symposium - 2008
Paper in proceeding

Ranking of materials by their machinability applying a short term test

Karin Björkeborn, Uta Klement, Hans-Börje Oskarson
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Innovative Cutting Processes and Smart Machining (INTERCUT 2008), Cluny, France
Paper in proceeding

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