Björn Regnström
Showing 22 publications
Viscous Free Surface Calculations for the KCS Hull
A Surface Capturing Method in the RANS Solver SHIPFLOW
A numerical study of hull/propeller/rudder interaction
Wake survey of a yacht keel for CFD validation and flow analysis
A RANS study on the interaction between a propeller and a rudder in open water
Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation for a Fin/Bulb/Winglet Keel Configuration
A CFD validation test case - wind tunnel test of a winglet keel
Numerical optimization of a propeller behind a ship hull at full scale
A procedure for optimizing cavitating blades in a given wake
Numerical optimization of propeller-hull configuration at full scale
Numerical optimisation of propeller-hull configurations at full scale
Drag and wake prediction for ships with appendages using an overlapping grid method
CFD validation for a yacht keel
Wind tunnel test of a winglet keel and how it can be used for CFD validation
Towards a CFD validiation test case – wind tunnel test of a winglet keel
Adaptive multigrid for the incompressible Navier Stokes equations
Verification of Navier-Stokes Solutions - a Study Based on an Analytical Test Case
Ship Stern Flow Calculations on Overlapping Composite Grids
Overlapping Composite Grids for Ship Stern Flow Calculations
A Test of Turbulence Models for Vortices
Prediction of Wing Section Lift and Drag from Numerical Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations
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