Björn Regnström

Showing 22 publications


Viscous Free Surface Calculations for the KCS Hull

Michal Orych, Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström
Gothenburg 2010 - A Workshop on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics - Proceedings. Vol. 2
Other conference contribution

Adaptive overlapping grid techniques and spatial discretization schemes for increasing surface sharpness and numerical accuracy in free surface capturing methods

Michal Orych, Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström
28th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Pasadena, California, USA, 12-17 September 2010
Paper in proceeding

A Surface Capturing Method in the RANS Solver SHIPFLOW

Michal Orych, Björn Regnström, Lars Larsson
12th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium
Other conference contribution

A numerical study of hull/propeller/rudder interaction

Kaijia Han, Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström
Proceedings, 27th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, 5-10 October 2008, Seoul
Paper in proceeding

Wake survey of a yacht keel for CFD validation and flow analysis

Sofia Werner, Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström
Journal of Ship Technology Research. Vol. 54 (1), p. 28-42
Journal article

A RANS study on the interaction between a propeller and a rudder in open water

Kaijia Han, Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström
10th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium (NuTTS 2007)
Other conference contribution

Computational Fluid Dynamics Validation for a Fin/Bulb/Winglet Keel Configuration

Sofia Werner, Alessio Pistidda, Lars Larsson et al
Journal of Ship Research. Vol. 51 (4), p. 343-356
Journal article

A CFD validation test case - wind tunnel test of a winglet keel

Sofia Werner, Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström
2nd high performance yacht conference
Paper in proceeding

Numerical optimization of a propeller behind a ship hull at full scale

Kaijia Han, Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström
26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics. Vol. VOL II, p. P87-98
Other conference contribution

A procedure for optimizing cavitating blades in a given wake

Kaijia Han, Göran Bark, Lars Larsson et al
Ship Technology Research. Vol. 53 (1), p. 39-52
Journal article

Numerical optimization of propeller-hull configuration at full scale

Lars Larsson, Kaijia Han, Göran Bark et al
World Maritime Technology Conference
Paper in proceeding

Numerical optimisation of propeller-hull configurations at full scale

Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström, Kaijia Han et al
Proceedings of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Part A: Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology. Vol. A8
Journal article

Drag and wake prediction for ships with appendages using an overlapping grid method

Björn Regnström, Nicolas Bathfield
26th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, Italy, 17-22 September 2006
Paper in proceeding

CFD validation for a yacht keel

Sofia Werner, Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström
9th numerical towing tank symposium
Other conference contribution

Wind tunnel test of a winglet keel and how it can be used for CFD validation

Sofia Werner, Lars Larsson, Björn Regnström
8th numerical towing tank symposium
Other conference contribution

Towards a CFD validiation test case – wind tunnel test of a winglet keel

Sofia Werner, Björn Regnström, Lars Larsson
7th Numerical Towing Tank Symp, Hamburg, Germany
Other conference contribution

Adaptive multigrid for the incompressible Navier Stokes equations

Sofia Werner, Björn Regnström, Lars Larsson
Proceedings of sixth numerical towing tank symposium, Rome, Italy
Other conference contribution

Verification of Navier-Stokes Solutions - a Study Based on an Analytical Test Case

Sofia Werner, Björn Regnström, Lars Larsson
5th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, Nantes, 2002
Other conference contribution

Ship Stern Flow Calculations on Overlapping Composite Grids

Björn Regnström, Leif Broberg, Lars Larsson
23rd Symposium on Naval Hydrody¬namics, Val de Reuil, September 2000.
Paper in proceeding

Overlapping Composite Grids for Ship Stern Flow Calculations

Björn Regnström, Leif Broberg, Lars Larsson
MARNET-CFD First Annual Work¬shop, Barcelona, Nov. 1999
Other conference contribution

A Test of Turbulence Models for Vortices

Urban Svennberg, Björn Regnström, Lars Larsson
3rd Osaka Colloquium, Osaka, Japan
Paper in proceeding

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