Bo Norrman
Bo Norrman did his PhD in Medical Chemistry at Umeå University, studying natural blod clot dissolution mechanisms. He has since then worked within research (Umeå University, Mälardalen University, Karolinska Insititutet), internationally as a guest researcher (Marine Biological Laboratory, USA), within the public sector (Innovationsbron, Region Västra Götaland), with public assignments (environmental monitoring in the Gulf of Bothnia) and within trade & industry (Biopool AB, Biotechvalley). Bo has had assignments connected to Vinnova. His work as an innovation advisor is particularly focused on the area of Life Science and strategies within that field, but also the climate and sustainability area. Bo has worked with the regional development strategy for West Sweden (RUS2030) on assignment from Västra Götalandsregionen and is Senior Advisor within the Health Engineering Area of Advance.

Showing 2 research projects
Healthy and sustainable snacks