Ana Bove
I am an Associate Professor (Docent) at the Computing Science division of the department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers university of technology and University of Gothenburg in Göteborg, Sweden. GENIE representative, 2020-2023 Member of Chalmers Faculty senate, May 2016-June 2023 Director of studies at CSE, Sep.2005-Dec.2019 Programme manager Datavetenskaplig program (DV) at GU, 2013-2019 Substitute member of the IT Faculty Board at GU, autumn 2018 and 2019 Acting unit head, Logic and types, spring 2019 Project manager of ForMath, a EU FP7 STREP FET-open project lead by Prof. Thierry Coquand, March 2010-July 2013
Since 2020, head of the Logic and types unit in the Computing Science division.Past Management Tasks

Showing 28 publications
Alpha-Structural Induction and Recursion for the Lambda Calculus in Constructive Type Theory
Partiality and recursion in interactive theorem provers – an overview
Principles of Alpha-Induction and Recursion for the Lambda Calculus in Constructive Type Theory
Combining Interactive and Automatic Reasoning in First Order Theories of Functional Programs
Proceedings of the workshop on Partiality and Recursion in Interactive Theorem Provers
Embedding a Logical Theory of Constructions in Agda
Another Look at Function Domains
Language Engineering and Rigorous Software Development
A Brief Overview of Agda - A Functional Language with Dependent Types
A Type of Partial Recursive Functions
Modelling General Recursion in Type Theory
Verifying Haskell Programs Using Constructive Type Theory
Formalising Bitonic Sort in Type Theory
Recursive Functions with Higher Order Domains
General Recursion in Type Theory
Nested General Recursion and Partiality in Type Theory
Simple General Recursion in Type Theory
Alpha Conversion in Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
Programming in Martin-Löf Type Theory: Unification - A non-trivial Example
A Machine-assisted Proof of the Subject Reduction Property for a Small Typed Functional Language
A Confluent Calculus of Macro Expansion and Evaluation
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