Rimantas Brucas

Showing 21 publications


Arrays of elliptical Fe(001) nanoparticles: Magnetization reversal, dipolar interactions, and effects of finite array sizes

Maj Hanson, Rimantas Brucas, Tomasz Antosiewicz et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 92 (9), p. Art. no. 094436-
Journal article

Tailoring the magnetodynamic properties of nanomagnets using magnetocrystalline and shape anisotropies

Vegard Flovik, Ferran Macià, Joan Manel Hernàndez et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 92 (10), p. art. no. 104406-
Journal article

Field and current-induced magnetization reversal studied through spatially resolved point-contacts

Magne Saxegaard, DeZheng Yang, Erik Wahlström et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 107 (10), p. 103909-
Journal article

Tunneling and charging effects in discontinuous superparamagnetic Ni81Fe19/Al2O3 multilayers

Rimantas Brucas, Maj Hanson, Peter Apell et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 81 (22), p. 224437-
Journal article

Domain walls in Fe(001) bicrystals – thickness dependence and field induced transitions

Maj Hanson, Rimantas Brucas
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Vol. 310 (2 SUPPL. PART 3), p. 2195 -2197
Journal article

Effects of size and interactions on the magnetic behaviour of elliptical (001)Fe nanoparticles

Maj Hanson, Rimantas Brucas, Olga Kazakova
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Vol. 316, p. 181-183
Paper in proceeding

Magnetic and transport properties of discontinuous Ni81 Fe19/Al2O3 multilayers

Rimantas Brucas, Maj Hanson
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Vol. 310 (2 SUPPL. PART 3), p. 2521-2523
Journal article

Magnetic and transport properties of Ni81Fe19/Al2O3 granular multilayers approaching the superparamagnetic limit

Rimantas Brucas, Maj Hanson, Robert Gunnarsson et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 101, p. 073907-
Journal article

Scanning tunnelling microscopy for laterally resolved measurements of magnetoresistance through a point contact

Erik Wahlström, Rimantas Brucas, Maj Hanson
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 88, p. 112509-
Journal article

Alloying as a method of tuning of interlayer exchange coupling in magnetic multilayers

B. Skubic, E. Holmström, O Bengone et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 96 (5), p. 057205/1-4
Journal article

Study of the possibility of realization of a spin valve on the basis of superconductor/ferromagnet multilayers

I.A. Garifullin, D.A. Tikhonov, N.N. Garif’yanov et al
Physica Status Solidi C. Vol. 5, p. 1257-1267
Journal article

Thin Ferromagnetic Films Deposition by Facing Target Sputtering Method

A. Iljinas, J. Dudonis, Rimantas Brucas et al
Nonlinear Analysis: Modeling and Control. Vol. 10 (1), p. 57-64
Journal article

Solid Phase Epitaxy of Feromagnetic MnAs layer and Quantum Dots on Annealed GaMnAs

J. Sadowski, Janusz Kanski, Martin Adell et al
Acta Phys Polonica A. Vol. 108, p. 851-858
Journal article

Proximity effect of vanadium on strain and spin-density waves in thin Cr films

E. Kravtsov, Rimantas Brucas, B. Hjörvarsson et al
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Vol. 286, p. 425-431
Journal article

Element specific magnetic moments in bcc Fe81Ni19/Co(001) superlattices

I. L. Soroka, M. Björck, Rimantas Brucas et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 72, p. 134409-
Journal article

Synthesis of Fe3O4 thin films by solid state reactions

A. Iljinas, Rimantas Brucas, V. Stankus et al
Materials Science & Engineering C. Vol. 25, p. 590-594
Journal article

Reorientation of spin-density waves in Cr films induced by proximity effect of vanadium

E. Kravtsov, A. Nefedov, F. Radu et al
Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter. Vol. 17 (No.21), p. 3143-3152
Journal article

Self-organized MnAs quantum dots formed during annealing of GaMnAs under arsenic capping

J. Sadowski, E. Janik, E. Lusakowska et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 87, p. 263114-
Journal article

Temperature dependent magnetization and susceptibility of Fen/V7 superlattices

M. Pärnaste, M. van Kampen, Rimantas Brucas et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 71, p. 104426 -
Journal article

On the realization of artificial XY spin chains

M. van Kampen, I. L. Soroka, Rimantas Brucas et al
Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter. Vol. 17, p. L27-L33
Journal article

Proximity effect between a superconducting V-layer and an antiferromagnetically coupled [Fe/V]- superlattice

K. Westerholt, D. Sprungmann, H. Zabel et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 95, p. 097003-
Journal article

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